Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce

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Unfortunately, due to the continued High-Risk level for COVID-19, we on the board have decided to continue postponing the Norwegian Business Awards and Lutefisk dinner until the risk level changes here in Estonia.


However, to still be able to have a season opener, we wish to make an informal gathering on Thursday, January 27, at 17:00 in Tehasemaja with outdoor barbeque and a DJ!

As this is an informal event, we hope to see as many as possible participating, so this event will be open to members, partners, and all others with an interest in NECC. 


So please also bring someone along to meet the NECC board, our members, and partners to enjoy some food, exchange contacts, and have good conversations with funky music.


Please note! Every participant should be able to present proof of Covid-19 vaccination, a recent negative Covid-19 test result, or proof of recovery from Covid-19.


Please register for the event latest on the 24th of January so we can plan accordingly via the registration form or by contacting us directly: