Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce

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Very welcome to a Thursday 20 October afternoon Business Seminar on the Nordic Economic Outlook for autumn 2022.


Mihkel Nestor, Chief Economist at SEB Estonia, will present the bank’s latest Nordic Economic Outlook, and Anders Nyberg – Head of Public Affairs Nordics at Neste, will focus on „Green Transformation of Transport: through dialogue between the public and the private.“


The seminar will continue with a panel discussion and a Q&A session moderated by Karsten Staehr -Professor at Tallinn University of Technology and Research Supervisor at Eesti Pank.


Yoko Alender – Member of the Estonian Parliament Riigikogu, Former Chairman of the Parliament’s Environment Committee
Katrin Isotamm – Head of Communications and Sustainability at Telia
Mihkel Nestor – Chief Economist at SEB Estonia
Anders Nyberg – Head of Public Affairs Nordics at Neste
Karin Press Johansson – Recruitment Industry Professional, Partner at United Talents

The Business Seminar will be rounded up with a reception and mingling.


The Business Seminar will be rounded up with a reception and mingle.

– Date and Time: Thursday 20 October from 14.30 – 16.30

– Venue: SEB Innovation Center, Tornimäe 2 (4 th floor), Tallinn

– Cost: Free of charge for members of the Swedish, Danish, Finnish, and Norwegian Chambers of Commerce in Estonia. Non-members: 25 € + VAT per person.


Please register via the registration form below, latest by the 17th of October.

Register here