Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce

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Norwegian Business Awards (NBA) is brought to life by the Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce to bring out and acknowledge the Estonian companies that have succeeded in innovating or growing their business, especially in cooperation with Norway.


Event agenda:

18:00 Gathering

18:30 – 18:45 Opening words by the Norwegian Ambassador to Estonia – Ms. Else Berit Eikeland

18:45 – 19:00 NBA award ceremony – Awards handed out by President Kersti Kaljulaid

19:00 – 21:00 Lutefisk dinner + live music by Rolf Roosalu


Excellence in Innovation Award recognizes an Estonian established company that, through innovation, has challenged the conventional thinking on their market or industry and seen positive commercial outcomes as a result. The innovation could, for example, be in product design/ development, manufacturing process, working practice, distribution logic, or customer service.

Excellence in Growth Award will be given to an Estonian business that shows excellence in extensive growth and evidence of sustained annual growth of 10% or more during the last three years. Growth driven by increased export activities will be seen as an advantage, especially if it can be linked to bilateral trade between Estonia and Norway.

Time to fill in applications: 27.03.2022 (Download application, fill in and send to


Participation fee:

One seat for NECC member 59 €

One seat for non-member 69 €


The price includes:

* Norwegian Business Awards ceremony

* 2-course Norwegian lay fish dinner and dessert prepared by Estonia’s star chef Tõnis Siigur

* Matching drinks (aquavit, beer/wine, coffee/tea)

* Live music by Rolf Roosalu

Drinks included in the price:

* Small beer

* Akvavit

* 2 glasses of wine/ 1 glass of beer & 1 glass of wine

* Water, Coffee / Tea


The number of seats is limited, so please reserve yours quickly! You are welcome to invite friends, colleagues, and partners.