Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce

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Foreign Investors Council in Estonia, together with AmCham Estonia has the pleasure of inviting you to the FICE pre-election debate, on the 1st of February 2023, at Nordic Hotel Forum, 2nd floor, from 15:00-17:00.


This event is for FICE (NECC) members only. Please use the code: FICE when registering.

Participation fee: 30€
Ticket sale closes: Sunday 29th January at 23:59

Andres Sutt Estonian Reform Party
Tanel Kiik Estonian Centre Party
Joakim Helenius Estonia 200
Martin Helme Conservative People’ Party of Estonia
Riina Sikkut Social Democratic Party
Urmas Reinsalu Pro Patria
Andreas Kaju, META Advisory, will moderate the debate.

The event is for FICE members only, and snacks (selections of sandwiches, coffee, tea, smoothies, etc.) will be included. The registration is now open, and please sign up already today as the number of seats is limited:

Due to limited availability, please confirm your participation ASAP by Sunday, the 29th of January, when the ticket sales will close. The entrance is only for registered people.