Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce

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Date: Thursday, Mar. 9, between 13:00 and 15:00

Venue: Restaurant Pegasus (Harju 1, Tallinn)

Type of event: In person

Admission: 45 EUR

Dear members of NECC,

You and Your female colleagues are kindly invited to the second Female Future networking lunch featuring experienced and inspirational female leaders – Siiri Lahe, Financial Director at AS Estonian Cell, and Piret Potisepp, Head of Services at Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Piret will give an overview of the Female Managers Accelerator- an initiative by the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in collaboration with SpeakSmart, the Swedish, and the Canadian Embassy in Tallinn and sponsored by Telia Estonia.


The Female Future networking series in Estonia started in 2022 with the first event in September initiated by the Norwegian Embassy and the NECC. This event series is inspired by the NCCL and the Norwegian Embassy in Latvia. Female Future itself is inspired by Scandinavian values and introduces speakers with different professional backgrounds inspiring both head & heart to share their experience on relevant topics such as leadership, entrepreneurship, meeting professional and private challenges, and work & life balance.


You can purchase your ticket via the link below before the 6th of March, 2023. As there are a limited amount of seats, please get your ticket fast.


If you have any additional questions regarding the event, please do not hesitate to contact me via or +372 5332 3296.

About the speakers…

Siiri Lahe

Siiri Lahe has primarily worked in companies with an international background, being a management board member and top manager in companies with an English and Austrian business culture for the last 15 years. Under her leadership, Estonian Cell has received recognition as the Estonian Company of the Year and won the Estonian Environmentally Friendly Company Award twice. Siiri is a passionate advocate of the industry's views, promoting the modern industry in the press and at various professional conferences. In addition, she is a mother of 3 children and believes that she has successfully combined work and family life. She has been working in Kunda for the last ten years while living in Tallinn with her family.

Piret Potisepp

Creating successful and long-lasting partnerships has been a core activity in all the roles Piret has held. She’s a great example of female leader by herself, having a non-linear career path, consisting of several leadership roles in different organizations across continents. This makes Piret a passionate advocate of leadership, female empowerment, and new ways to tackle the challenges which have existed for a long time. She feels passion towards new services creation and upscaling the current ones. Working for various organizations across the private, public and third sector in three different continents has honed her project management skills to an excellence and sharpened her communication skills. Piret strives in project management and business development with a record of accomplishment of successful projects. There’s a great number of events where she has been on stage as a speaker, panellist, facilitator or a moderator and trainer. She has served in boards of public entities. During her free time, she runs designtours in Tallinn.