Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce

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The Royal Norwegian Embassy, Enterprise Estonia, Woodhouse Estonia, and the Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce invite you to a hybrid conference on Green Transition and Sustainable Construction on the 1st of June at the hotel Citybox.


* 09:30-10:00 – registration, gathering & coffee
* 10:00-10:15 – Greetings by Minister of Trade and Industry Jan Christian Vestre and Norwegian Ambassador Else Berit Eikeland

* 10:15-10:30 – Greetings by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure Taavi Aas

#Sustainable Construction

* 10:30-11:00 – Use of wood in modern construction – Andrus Leppik, Kodumaja
* 11:00-11:30 – Key trends in Norwegian cabin market – Gunnar Aarhus, Buen Gruppen
* 11:30-12:00 – Panel discussion: Andrus Leppik, Gunnar Aarhus, Alar Urke – moderator: Argo Saul, NECC

12:00-13:00 LUNCH


* 13:00-13:20 – Practical solution for delivering intelligent buildings at scale – Siim Vips, Bisly
* 13:20-13.40 – TOP 10 construction start-ups – Paavo Pärn, Digital Construction Cluster
* 13:40-14:10 – Panel discussion, Siim Vips, Paavo Pärn – moderator: Else Källo, Iffent
* 14:00-14:40 – Coffee break


* 14:40-15:00 – Study case: prefabricated Saue apartment building – Eero Nigumann, Timbeco
* 15:00-15:20 – Norwegian reuse upscaled: The re-emergence of the circular building industry – Lasse Kilvær, Resirqel
* 15:20-15:45 -Panel discussion: Eero Nigumann, Lasse Kilvær, Ivo Jaanisoo – moderator: Ergo Pikas, Taltech
* 15:45-16:00 – Awards were given out by Woodhouse Estonia
* 16:00-17:00 Networking at the hotel lobby

This event is for everyone! Please register via the registration link below, latest on the 30th of May. A limited number of seats!


