Norwegian-Estonian Chamber of Commerce

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Date: 06.06.2024

Time: 16:00-18:00

Venue: Citybox Hotel Tallinn


We are pleased to invite you to attend our upcoming Annual General Meeting. During the AGM, we will present a summary of our activities and financial performance during the past year. Just a friendly reminder that your presence at the AGM will be much appreciated as we need to gather 50% of our members to have a valid AGM, therefore, please save the date!


Agenda for the day


Gathering: 15:45-16:00

AGM meeting: 16:00-18:00

(Please be on time for registration)


  • Welcome greetings to all members!
  • Electing the chairperson and secretary of the AGM
  • Approving the agenda of the AGM
  • Summary of NECC activities during 2023
  • Introducing NECC in 2024 and beyond
  • Approve granting the NECC board the mandate to negotiate a possible merger with the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Estonia and the Danish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce
  • Review of the annual report of 2023
  • Confirming the annual report of 2023
  • Accepting the proposed changes of the Articles of Association
  • Electing the board member election committee consisting of TWO people
  • Introduction of the candidates for members of the board
  • Election of a minimum of THREE and up to FIVE additional members of the board
  • Overview of the FICE organisation
  • Member open forum and feedback
  • Closing summary